Epitace Barampiga, a cell phone salesman and repairer, has benefited from the project twice. He says that this project, carried out by the Association of Mentors for Business and Development (AMEBE) in partnership with Caritas Graz, has been very valuable to him. 

Epitace Barampiga visited  by a delegation of Caritas Graz and AMEBE staff, Friday January 23, 2023 

“My first funding from AMEBE was 600 thousand BIF,” says Epitace Barampiga proudly. Barampiga is one of the young beneficiaries of the project “Supporting Young Entrepreneurs” Phases I and II. He praises the methodology of AMEBE in the economic supervision of young people, which follows beneficiaries closely throughout the evolution of their projects.

“The AMEBE team stays by our side and helps us overcome the difficulties we face.” Barampiga is pleased by the fact that AMEBE did not require me a mortgage to grant a loan like in banks or microfinance.

The young entrepreneur is surprised to see an organization that is concerned about the success of his project. “An association whose members do not require corruption to finance a project.” In some associations, Barampiga explains, it is necessary to bribe certain people or take advantage of nepotism to achieve some objectives.

“I will once again work successfully.”

The young telephone repairer and salesman says that he was able to repay the capital, earn profit, and continue his activities successfully.

Having also benefited from Phase II of the project, he is pleased that he is again financed without mortgage requirements. “We pay with a small interest. And I think I will work successfully again.”

Barampiga is confident, especially since AMEBE has provided him with training sessions with other beneficiaries. “We have learned to differentiate between our own money and that of the association,” says the young telephone salesman. He considers this information to be a form of capital obtained through AMEBE. Barampiga is also pleased with the successes of Phase I of the project, which has made him confident in AMEBE’s work through the recent Phase II.



One response

  1. Courage à Monsieur Epitace, j’encourage l’initiative de l’AMEBE d’avoir visé la partie de population la plus victime du chômage au Burundi.

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